Friday, June 20, 2008

Standing Up...

Since the week before (9 June) we have already put the babies back into cots as they tend to get in each other's way on the mattress, and also because Jun Lee tends to disturb Jun Yen.

For the first week we've rotated the cots, with each baby sleeping one night in each. Since beginning of this week we have stuck to putting Jun Lee in the wooden cot as she tried to climb past the barrier on the playpen cot which is quite a bit lower.

Morning Sis, you awake yet?

I'm awake, and I want milk milk...

This morning, I was shocked to see that she had managed to pull herself up on the cot's railing, and peering over into her sister's cot! According to Mom she'd learnt to do that since yesterday. So I grabbed the camera and took some pics, and ended up being almost late for work.

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