Sunday, July 06, 2008

Newly mobile...

This evening I wanted to take a nap with the babies, but after an hour I can report that I didn't get any sleep! Both babies were quite amused to see me, and while Jun Yen was content to look at me and gurgle and play with her toys, Jun Lee literally climbed all over me!

She stood on my belly, touched my face, pulled my ear, tugged at my hair and played with my toes!!! Despite getting up to move her into another spot to play, she'd come back up to me again. Don't get me wrong, it was a lot of fun playing with them, but that's the last time I will attempt to get any sleep on the same bed...

Jun Yen has learnt to crawl too! Yesterday when her Mommy was sleeping on the mattress with the babies, Jun Yen wanted to go to her Mommy, so she began to crawl, inching up on her tummy. (note: I have subsequently been reminded that Jun Yen has been able to do that since like 2 months ago, but she just never showed much interest in crawling about)

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