Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!!!

Happy New Year Uncles & Aunties! May you smile like me all year round!

Didn't have much time to take (and post) decent pics of my babies in the preceding weeks as I was unbelievably busy with work, my assignment, and coping with their crying, feeding, changing, and all the other shenanigans babies are up to. One of the things that really amuses me is the way they pull some really funny expressions when being burped, especially Jun Yen. There was even once when I was burping her, when after quite a bit of patting, she let out a rather loud one, and then dropped her head onto her chest with a satisfied sigh...

Burp... That was good...

Jun Yen with Mommy

For New Year's Eve, we went to the Residents' Association dinner at the Balai Raya, and I must really find time to send a note to the committee to tell them it was fabulous! Of course, the RA by now has a lot of experience with organising events, and this was another feather in the cap. Food was plentiful, with really good roast pork, roast lamb, and Haji Samuri satay being the highlights of the buffet. Wife and I left at 9 plus and walked home, while Dad stayed till after the countdown, which I'll go into again later...

MH, YH, AW and EH came over at 2230 with loads of liquor, snacks and even a board game! Began working on the fruit punch mix MH brought back from Mauritius, which tastes great with orange juice, munched on the Twix I brought back from Shanghai, with a lot of chatter thrown in. Luckily babies were upstairs asleep, otherwise would have been woken up by Uncle MH's megaphone voice...
At midnight we all toasted each other Happy New Year, and went on to MH's Parliament vodka. To be honest my experience with vodka brands run to Absolut, Smirnoff and Stolichnya and that's it! Never heard of the brand but apparently MH claimed it was a very good vodka. But then I was never much of a vodka person, and to me vodka no matter how good still tastes a bit like turpentine... Hehe... But then, everyone's got their choice of poison eh...

Later at 1am, our neighbour sent Dad home, and he came in asking us to help him carry stuff. First reaction... "Stuff???... What stuff???..." Turns out one of our tickets won 2nd prize (a large hamper) for the lucky draw, haha!

Good food, good drinks, and most of all good company! I can think of no better way to begin the year! Happy New Year Everyone!!!

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